Wednesday, April 21, 2010

ok today was jockey lot day ... yes i said jockey lot thats what the flea market is called in my corner of the world, and it's always an adventure ... there are things you see at it that just scar you for life you see people that i would bet money on there parents were brother and sister and then theres ones you look at and say ( OH MY GOD SOMEBODY HAD SEX WITH THEM ) HOW!!!!! and thens theres the buys you find as you walk away the only thing u can say is I JUST STOLE THAT FROM THEM but anywho .... two things struck my fancy # 1 i bought a fried apple pie from a lil lady as opened my lil hunk of cheating on the diet i said it's got to be good ... well the cook in me was excited and the fat girl in me was drooling i took my first bite and clenched every hair on my body stood up every morsale of my being went oh shit thats awful it had a taste that i never had in my mouth and i've had some strange stuff in there ( food ppl were talking about food) get it out the gutter , i thought maybe it's me i took another bite , same thing well the fat girl said that wasnt worth cheating for and the cook in me had to know so as polite as i could i walked back to the lil lady and had to ask ( ma'am i just have to know how did you make this crust well see looked at me with aged eyes and said ) * IT'S THE BEST FRIED PIE YOU EVER HAD AIN'T IT * well i smiled and said it's different i just got to know about the crust well its 4 c flour 1 c sugar pinch of salt, 1 egg and 1/2 c of vinger WHAT vinager ? why would you do that its was to say the worst thing i ever ever ever put in my mouth even worse than some of the ex's i have had ! lol needless to say i no longer have a thing for fried pies that dont come out my kitchen # 2 i saw a chick that had baseballs for tit's no lie ppl baseballs and she was proud of them everybody in pickens county saw them it was a train wreak you had to look so thats my day 2 things scared me and i think i need therapy ... maybe shock treatment's lol !!!

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